Saturday, March 04, 2006

Mont Tremblant downhill runs: difficulty update

Another fabulous day at Tremblant. I'm what you would call an average intermediate skier, so I have a good feel as to which black diamonds are managable for non-experts at Mont Tremblant. As usual, snow conditions make all the difference when it comes to skiing, so the following information should only be taken as a rough guide.

The black diamonds on the Le Soleil side tend to be a little more difficult that most others, but depending on the snow conditions, Tiguidou is likely to be the easiest of them all. It also provides a more convenient route than the blue Toboggan run to the little lodge halfway down.

South side: the easiest runs are McCulloch, Kandahar, and Taschereau. Attempt the rest only after mastering these three.

North side: the easiest runs are Geant and Duncan Haut. Variable conditions can occur on the other runs so be careful.

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