Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Only fools stage the Taming of the Shrew?

Looks like every city has its production of Shakespeare in the park in summer. Ottawa's contribution this year is "the Taming of the Shrew", a play so sexist that the first reaction most audiences have is why??? Well, we need not look further than the name of the group staging the production for the answer. The aptly named "Company of Fools" were impressive in their stagework. With only four actors, the convincing casting of over 10 characters through the use of puppets required no more suspension of disbelief than any other production would have warranted. The simple but deliberate use of costume and puppetry made it easy to follow the many characters intertwined in Shakespeare's plot of deception. I thoroughly enjoyed my evening for it was as humorous and entertaining as any other Shakespearean comedy I've seen.

Performances start at 7.30 pm and are currently at Strathcona Park but will be moving to other locations around town in the weeks ahead.

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